If you have not seen our first cost basis post on the Silkn Bulb from May of this year, we suggest that you start there. Silkn Bulb Cost Update.
Since May, there has been continued usage of the SilkN product. The results thus far, seems to be a longer distance between shaving armpits and bikini region, I can easily go a full two weeks before I need the shave any area. The SilkN is not stopping hair growth, but it does seem to work in diminishing the growth of hair.
Currently on the 5th bulb since May 2009. The cost breakdown below does not include the cost of the machine, only the cost of the bulbs.
Here is the current cost breakdown.
Have you tried the SilkN? What are you results? We would like to hear from you, please add to the Comments Section.
We have been a little delayed in updating this blog as of late. Per my last posts on Silkn I wanted to provide a cost update on different areas on the body that I am using SilkN on. Everything is tracked per bulb blast and currently on bulb #4.
To date (started back in May 22, 2009) – so almost one year, we are 2761 zaps in. The company states 750 shots per bulb and in all cases this is true or a little more. I think the bulbs could get more zaps. I only say this as the bulb itself just stops working – there is no visible sign that it should stop working. I say visibile signs as any other bulb that stops working usually it is pretty visible, although perhaps I can’t compare these bulbs to home bulbs.
In aggregate, the cost per zap has been 9 cents (CDN) not factoring in the cost of the machine itself. I have spent $16.75 on my left pit, $16.92 on my right, $105.22 in the pubic region – which are the regions I have started back in May. See below for other areas.
Is it worth it?
What I have observed so far is that there seems to be less growth – there still is growth. Normally to keep those regions smooth, I would shave every 3-4 days. Now I get go almost 10 days with the need for shaving. I don’t think the Silkn provides any permanent results but I think there is value in having to shave less. At this point it seems this device is like waxing – shave less, but you still need to shave. Will I continue with it – for sure and will provide further updates.
We discovered last week an incredible source of information on hair removal, HairTell.com. We started to participate in a discussion on SilkN Reviews – we wanted to share with their readers the experience we are getting with SilkN. Our users name is NoBodyHairCanuck.
As was pointed by one of their active contributors, edokid (a fellow Canadian), the Silkn won’t provide permanent results, rather we are likely to see regrowth if we stopped using. We think this is a valid point.
One of our other contributors to this blog has professional hair removal done and in the past couple of years had to only go back for touchups one time. So the comparison is on as to whether this product works.
Here is what we are going to do. Use the Silkn until June of this year on the parts that we started last year – armpits and bikini. This will give us 1 full year of roughly bi-weekly use. We will then stop for 6-months to see if we get regrowth and recap in January 2011 as to the results of 6-months of none use.
You will then be able to judge as to whether or not the Silkn is worth the investment or whether you should save up and go to the pros.
Thanks to the forum posters as HairTell.com who are making sure people get all the facts.
Welcome to the third posting in my series of my experience with the Silkn Home Laser Hair Removal system and the male body. This post will focus on the male brazilian and yes for the purposes of the web I am removing all my hair down there – actually not just for the purposes of the web, my wife and I enjoy the look and feel better.
What exactly as I am doing with the Silkn you might ask, well this picture explains it best: .
The big question – is it working? The short-answer is yes, although not as dramatic as my post on using the Silkn on male armpits. Overall I would say that I am achieved roughly 60% reduction from the time I started shaving in the pubic region. In the bikini line that number is more like 80% and the shaft and the scrotum are probably around 70%.
There results are actually not bad when you consider the analysis and the cost needed to get to this stage. Here is a more technical analysis, Continue reading →
Since my first session with the Silkn May 22, 2009, I have seen considerable results in hair reduction since that time. At first the results were less than stellar, not really noticing a difference, but by the end of the Summer (my 9th session) I started to notice some reduction. Fast-forward to 2010 and the hair reduction is pretty significant. Normally if I did not shave for 7-days, you would see noticeable growth in the armpits, now, you barely see anything. I would estimate that the hair growth is reduced by 80% at this point.
Here is a more technical analysis including accrued cost so far; Continue reading →